Shop for Freebies

Shop for Freebies is a website that has a handful of things like samples, free site registrations, and coupons. Everything is 100% free. I signed up and you should too! Try new items before you buy them. I chose stuff like shaving cream, vitamins, tampons, shampoo, energy drinks, stickers, etc. There is a handful of stuff!

The site is very simple to navigate. Visit Shop for Freebies and you will be brought to a live page of the latest Freebies. On the left side bar you can navigate to each category you are looking for. Categories to choose from… (more at the site)

There is a lot of stuff. Last night I went through and requested over 20 free samples. All I had to do was enter some information like name, address, email and that was it! No credit cards. Everything really is free! How does it work? You search the site and when you see an item you would like to request, click grab this now. You are then taken to the site of the Sample provider and you usually have to register with their company online by providing an email address for them to send newsletters to. That’s it! You can then close that page and continue looking for other samples. Like I said, I requested over 20 samples last night from companies that are well-known. I get to try products before I go out and buy them and I love that!
I did just request all of my samples last night and so I have not yet received them. Most companies stated to allow 4-6 weeks for them to arrive. I will post an update once I have or haven’t received my samples. I will give a 2 month follow-up to let you know how timely I received them.
I love Shop for Freebies! It is a great, well designed site that is simple to navigate and use. They also have a forum, FAQ page, and a page for hunting freebies and tips. Now what are you waiting for? Go get your Freebies!