A glance at a Thanksgiving Primer

The First Thanksgiving, painted by Jean Leon G...

Image via Wikipedia

A Thanksgiving Primer by Bill Hellbig is an article published in  Clarke Times Courier on November 17th, 2005. The article includes information about “Of Plymouth Settlement,” William Bradford’s clarification of what happened in Holland and what proceedings led up to their venture for the new world. Bill Hellbig writes “having observed up close and personal the systematical destruction and rewriting of America’s history,” as a teacher. I believe that Mr. Hellbig’s objective for publishing such an article was to enlighten American’s of the misplaced facts and history that still exists, rather than the traditional Thanksgiving teachings that the Pilgrims only came to America to preserve their use of the English language. Hellbig’s article includes direct quotations from “Of Plymouth Settlement,” which states four main reasons why the relocation occurred.

Bill Hellbig urges readers to teach their children America’s history and not just focus on “revisionist textbooks.” I found a Thanksgiving Primer to be both inspirational and informative. I hope I can also have the courage to pass down history rather than legend to my children and the generations to come.

30 Day Memoirs: The tale of a picture #4

Reading Hy Vee seasons Volume 4 Issue 5

Reading Hy Vee seasons Volume 4 Issue 5

Thanksgiving is coming fast! Are you ready? I know I am! I always look forward to getting my Hy Vee Season book in the mail. It always has loads of information on the latest season with great gift ideas, decorations, and recipes. I received the Fall 2010 Seasons Book, Volume 4- Issue recently and found easy recipes that are to die for! And I got it right in time for the holiday. On page 23, Hy Vee shares quick side dishes and desert. I found Festive Green Beans that look so yummy and really easy to make.

What’s your plan for Thanksgiving? Will you be cooking a big meal? Want some great ideas? I suggest you grab up a Hy Vee Seasons Book. They don’t cost a dime and have lots of helpful ideas.

Want to try out the Festive Green Beans like me? Here’s how to do it!

Saute fresh or high-quality frozen green beans in a little olive oil until crisp tender. The oil will make the vegetables glisten. Transfer the beans to a serving dish and top them with chopped pecans and dried cranberries. And Walla! A yummy, easy to make, decorative side dish. Enjoy!